Student Membership

What are the categories of membership within CFA Boston?
They are Regular, Affiliate, Adjunct, Candidate and Student. Regular and Affiliate memberships entail membership with CFA Institute and CFA Society Boston, while Adjunct, Candidate and Student memberships are exclusive to CFA Society Boston.

What are the differences between Student and Candidate memberships?
Candidate membership requires enrollment in the CFA Program; Individuals that are students (undergraduate or graduate) that are enrolled with CFA Institute for the CFA Program are not eligible for Student membership and should apply for Candidate Membership.

How do I apply for Student membership?
You must submit an online application with CFA Society Boston. If your institution is in enrolled in the CFA Society Boston University-College Partner Program click here to apply. If your institution is not enrolled in the partner program click here to apply for Student Membership. 
If a student signs up for the CFA® Exam during the student membership would they need to convert to the candidate membership?
We would encourage the student to apply for a candidate membership to receive the best outreach and candidate networking opportunities. It is not required to update membership until renewals (June 30) in which a student would be redirected in the application process. 

I am a recent graduate and am no longer eligible for student membership; do I qualify for another membership type?  
To best determine your eligibility, please review the membership options online here. If you have any additional questions, email CFA Society Boston directly.

How much is Student Membership?
Student Membership is complimentary for each year you remain eligible.

How long can I remain a Student Member?
Student Membership cannot extend for a period that exceeds four fiscal years or any part thereof and Student Membership is available only to individuals who do not otherwise qualify for Candidate, Affiliate or Regular membership.

How do I renew my Student Membership?
The CFA Society Boston Member year runs from July-June 30.  You must renew your student membership each year you are eligible. To renew complete the renewal form online here.

Student Membership Requirements/ References

What are the qualifications to join as a Student Member?
If you are a student and your institution is not part of the CFA Society Boston University-College Partner Program:
Be a junior or senior undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor's degree in business or finance, or related field, OR Be a graduate student, enrolled full or part-time, pursuing an MBA or a master's degree in a business-related major; Complete the Student Membership Application form and submit with your most recent resume; Ask a Professor of Finance, Business, or Economics so submit a signed Sponsorship Form AND Ask one Regular member of CFA Institute, who is also a member of CFA Boston, to submit a signed Sponsorship Form.

If your institution is part of the CFA Society Boston College-University Partner Program:
Be a junior or senior undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor's degree in business or finance, or related field, OR Be a graduate student, enrolled full or part-time, pursuing an MBA or a master's degree in a business-related major; Complete the Student Membership Application form and submit with your most recent resume; Receive verification through your participating CFA Society Boston University-College Partner 

How do my professional references send in his/her form?
An applicant’s professional reference submit their form online here. Upon submitting your application, please share this link with your references. 

Am I still eligible for Student membership if I have more than one year of work experience in investment decision making or three years in a financial analysis closely aligned field?
If a student is a CFA Charterholder they are required to maintain the charter through CFAI Institute and are not eligible for student membership. If an individual is participating in an accredited university-college program, they will remain eligible for the student membership to receive the best outreach and student networking opportunities. 

How long does it take to process my application to CFA Society Boston?

The time between an application being initiated and it being reviewed by the Board may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks, depending on the volume of applicants in the queue.  

When does the Board review applications?
The CFA Society Boston Board will typically review applications on a monthly basis with the exception of July and August.

I’ve been notified of my CFA Society Boston membership approval, what do I do now?  
Congratulations! You’ll be asked to login to create a member account – from here you will update your contact information. Please note that the information from your application will be used in our database. It is important that you update any contact information with CFA Society Boston upon activation of your membership.

University-College Partner Program

What is the University-College Partner Program?
The new CFA Society Boston University-College Partner Program allows students from higher education institutions across New England to join the society with ease.  A University-College Partner allows verified students to bypass the required two Sponsor forms during the application process. To learn more click here.

How does an institution sign up for the University-College Partner Program?
For an institution to register for the University-College partner Program it must have a main campus in one of the five New England states ; offer courses related to the finance industry; are responsible for verifying the student applicant status through a dedicated admin or Professor. Click here to complete the online application.

Is there a fee to participate in the University-College Partner Program?
There is no fee for an institution to participate in the CFA Society Boston University-Partner Program.

If a university or college’s one year program dates does not align with the member year (July 1 – June 30) will a student be able to renew with a student membership the following year?
A student must verify upcoming courses in our new member year to remain eligible during the renewal process (May – July). If a student renews before the end of their upcoming courses (post June 30) they can re-apply as students. A student will lapse by not renewing (after August 31st) and will need to reapply. If a student takes a leave of absence during the academic year we will review the extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis. 

What happens once we verify a student from the application email?

Once the administrator has verified a student’s participation and they are in good standing, the application will be marked complete with CFA Society Boston. Complete applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors on a monthly basis. When the application is approved, students will receive a new member welcome email with instructions on how to login. Students will have the opportunity to stay opted into a student new member campaign introducing our member benefits. We encourage them to participate in upcoming programs, volunteer opportunities, our Mentor Match program and participate in our online communities in Connect. 

Contact Us

Have a question regarding membership?
Click here to email.