CFA Society Boston is excited to announce the Undergraduate Women’s Internship Program is seeking to expand to additional member firms! For those that are unfamiliar with the program it was launched in 2018 and has slowly expanded.

The Mission: To educate college-aged women on opportunities in asset management through internships. To place qualified women in summer internships at leading asset management firms that are focused on diversity & inclusion initiatives.

The Task: Increasing employee diversity is an important initiative at many firms, but can be challenging to gather the resources to make a sustainable difference. By working together, pooling our resources, and engaging CFA Society Boston as a centralized platform, we can cast a wider net, support a stronger, consistent message and attract a larger audience of young talented women.

Our Ask: We are looking for member firms to sponsor one (or more) summer internship placements each.  Your firm’s opportunity will join others in the consortium that is sent to Boston area institutions. CFA Society Boston will assist participating companies in finding strong internship candidates by facilitating the recruitment process, including the collection of resumes and prescreening of applicants.

Your Benefit: Your company would be promoted at local universities alongside CFA Society Boston and other leading asset management firms, minimizing the effort required by each individual firm’s human resources and recruiting team.  Your firm will receive qualified summer intern(s) along with the resumes of other strong candidates, who could potentially fill other internship or full-time positions and ultimately serve as program and company ambassadors.

Universities that participated in last year’s internship program include:

 Amherst College  Babson College
 Bentley University  Boston College
 Boston University  Bryant University
 Cornell University  Hamilton College
 Northeastern University  Stonehill College Meehan School of Business
 Suffolk University  Tufts University
 University of Maryland,
College Park
 University of Massachusetts Amherst
 University of Pittsburgh   Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 
 Wellesley College   

2025 Internship Timeline

Confirm Participation in Internship Program: August 16, 2024
Job Listing/Roles Due from Firm: August 28, 2024
Launch Internship
Application: September 5, 2024
Applications Due: October 4, 2024
Applications Sent to Participating Firms: October 11, 2024
If your firm would like to participate, please confirm by submitting the form online here or by emailing [email protected] no later than Friday, August 16, 2024.